Day 15 - Port Alexander
Day 15:
Miles today: 25
Anchored at Port Alexander, a semi-protected inlet on Nigei Island
We left Port Hardy at 08:20 bound for Bull Harbour. It appeared that we
had a weather window until late afternoon when winds were forecast to
build to 25+kts. Tomorrow is doubtful for going around the end due to
forecast gales at the north end, but at least by being in Bull Harbour
we would be poised to go when the weather settles down. Plan B was to
make a call as to whether to continue when we were opposite Port Alexander.
On our way out we did not see either the humpback whales or the orca pod
that were reported to be in Hardy Bay
We started with one reef in main and ended up with 2 reefs in main and
the staysail only ( this is smaller inner foresail) with winds in the
20-25 range. The boat was comfortable with this sail combination. We
were doing 5-6 kts without having to fight at the helm. However the wind
had shifted enough that it was right on our nose and we were tacking up
Goletas channel and not making as much headway as we hoped.
It is only 22 miles on a straight line course from Port Hardy to Bull
Harbour; we bailed out at Port Alexander after 5.5 hours. It was 13:30
and winds were gusting 25+ and forecast to build so it was not a
difficult decision to head into Port Alexander to anchor for the night.
We put on 22 miles to go about 12 miles along the course line! Of course
the alternative would have been to motor but motoring straight into the
teeth of 20-25kt winds would not have been a good time.
The shore in here is “steep-to” meaning that it shallows quickly
potentially making anchoring less secure since it is on a slope and not
on relatively flat bottom. So far we seem to be holding whenever we are
hit by a gust of wind. Although it is called Port Alexander, there is
nothing here.
For anyone wanting to escape the boating “crowds’ in the Gulf Islands,
this is the place to be. The commercial traffic far exceeds the cruising
boats and civilization is far and few between. Some might argue that
even the “civilization” is not so civilized!
Skipper didn’t have his sun hat tied down well enough and we lost a ½ hr
recovery the “hat overboard”. Supper tonight was turkey cutlets, steamed
potatoes, corn and salad with banana pudding with bananas.
Plan for tomorrow is a repeat of today; get away in morning before winds
build and finally reach Bull Harbour and wait for our weather window to
go around Cape Scott.
At 5:49 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Does a reverse course for the hat overboard call constitute a "rodeo"
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