Summer on the WET coast

We are entering Kyuquot Sound, running between gale warnings. It will be nice to actually see some summer soon; we typically are out onthe water wearing wool hats and fleeces,etc. I've even resorted to wearing the fingerless mitts that Robin knitt for me. HOwever I so far have not worn socks with my sandles ( alright, once in Johnstone straight, but not here on the west coast, yet)
This is it for graphics until the next Internet cafe or hotel.

At 11:51 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
God help us with the toques guys. Ralph is going to think the snowline is just north of Cape Scott and who knows where the tall tales will end!! Try taking off your woollies and putting on sunscreen and I'll just bet mermaids and sunbathers appear. The rewards would at least be worth the try.
Ghost Crew
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