VIA - the Vancouver Island Adventure Trip

Detailing our circumnavigation of vancouver island by sailboat. Check out the May archive for background and planning information.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Day 38: didn't make it to site originally

I've been told that there were a few days missing; for some reason some of the daily updates didn't make it although the emails to the blog site were sent.
Day 38-42 will be republished now, if anyone cares!!

Day 38: Docked at Tofino – 4^th St. Wharf

This was the shortest day on record, a mere 4 miles!! We’ve also set a record for an inside cabin temperature – it got all the way up to 24C and Mr. Barometer is saying that it is “comfortable” for the first time on the trip!!

We all had some chuckles over the description of bustling Tofino when Stewart had read it out of Wagoneer; we gave him a hard time about adjusting to the bright lights when he got off the plane,etc.

However, there was more truth to the statement than not. I just realized as I write this that I was so unimpressed with Tofino that I was not even moved to take a photo—that is the first time that has happened on this trip. The waterfront is uninspiring and the town is jammed with surf schools, surf and clothing stores… probably the West Coast equivalent of Banff.

Aside from a great latte and , amazingly, a pain au chocholat while doing the blog update yesterday, there is nothing here that would call me back. In fact, I wasn’t even motivated to do any grocery shopping; opting instead to wait for Ucluelet tomorrow.

I did, by happenstance bump into the father of the couple from Dalua ( this is the couple with another guy, baby and Lab on 24’ boat) He was asking if he had sent the boat; they were supposed to be in Tofino to meet him and were overdue. I asked him on board and we tried to reach them on the VHF radio but couldn’t raise them. I’m sure they are OK, it is just that as soon as you are in an inlet, it is difficult to get radio reception.

The rest of the day was taken up with a run, blog update, washing more loon shit of the front deck with salt water (no water on the deck), some fresh water to wash the shroud fittings and winches, and changed the engine oil.

I bought a Globe and Mail, but couldn’t get interested enough to read it; decided that I have all winter to return to being a news junkie. Right now, I don’t seem to care what is happening. I’ve re-thinking the wisdom of a satellite radio for the boat; do we really need to be able to get CBC each and every day??

We plan for early departure tomorrow and hope for good day of downwind sailing to Ucluelet.


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