Day 20 - Part 1
Happy Canada Day from Tatoosh!
The plan worked out; we were off the dock at Bull Harbour at 04:00 and
were over the bar exactly at slack. Seas from the Bar through to Cape
Scott were lumpy & confused. Luckily we had little wind. In 15kts or
more it would be a lot more exciting. We rounded Cape Scott just after
08:00 under grey skies and the seas flattened out and the wind died.
There wasn't even enough wind to keep the main up for motorsailing.
We took the obligatory photo's, had a small toast of rum which we shared
with Neptune for good luck and are still motoring towards Winter Harbour.
Will send update later, this is a "live" update while enroute.
Over and out from N50-39.6/128-23.745... we are now going south east and
have passed our most northerly point between Bull Harbour and Cape Scott.
At 11:17 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Hi Tatoosh Got you covered on Google Earth. More Lats and Longs at your stopovers would be good. Was able to zoom right in on Bull Harbour. Pinpointed your enroute report today. Do you do that over sat telephone ?? Down its all downhill isn't it ??
At 7:36 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Congrats Tatoosh, skipper and crew - what a great way to spend Canada day! Been following your progress with interest and envy. Brooks Penninsula coming up!
Doug and Carol Ann
At 7:56 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Enjoy your trip.. I have been enjoying reading about it... Look forward to seeing lots of pictures when you return.. Have a safe trip, and make lots of memories.....Love your Sis....
At 7:57 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Me again.. should say which sis... Theresa...
Enjoy Bruce.. Be safe... Love ya.
At 6:23 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I have to tell you guys, that there is vicious rumour going round that you really aren't circumnavigating V.I. but are really still i Sidney at the Canoe Cove dock and posting all these blogs just to make it look like there is something real happening. Sort of like that rumour that the Americans really didn't land on the moon. You just never know these days of digital postings digital phots etc. Maybe there really isn't a Tatoosh either. Oh yeah I've been on it !! Well the boats real but there is no Bruce Warren. In fact he was seen in Thriftys in Sidney just yesterday. So how do you explain that eh ??
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